1st of December: Romania's National Day

37 min read

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:iconbucuresticlub: presents to you the 1st of December: Romania's National Day
In this news article I have compiled a few of the best deviations submitted by deviants from Bucharest (Romania's capital) in the last year of the club's activity :D

Compiled by yours truly, :iconwildrainoficeandfire: :aww:

:thumb102212748: Trecatoare by a14onymus:thumb73300531: Glassware by VastAbyss 13 by LuciaConstantin DSCF 0748 by TheFidoDidoGerbil march by dreamcrafter mail - none by LuciaConstantin not the mask by dreamcrafter Privesc cu nepasare by a14onymus Pustiu by blue-faith-88 :thumb76754021: railroad switch by horatziu1977 :thumb80342752: Brightness by rimolyne :thumb82428921: wings of destiny by PurpleAlexa Childhood II by sadik18 Reflections of nature by LuciaConstantin The Red Violin by mike-darkranger Glaring Dream by LemuriaFalls Flowers by sadik18 Off the wall by LalA-vi-Doll :thumb81419523: Running ahead of me by WildRainOfIceAndFire Panda by LuciaConstantin   Liquid Fire by Ashgaan A place for people like us by katszp :thumb84335187: Puppet by ell3cktra :thumb86386174: Fields of Gold by Alexandru1988:thumb84517678: Joey zee dag by rtud which way by sananton Find a happy place by silvestru :thumb89763756: If Loneliness was all by DarkCrissus G is for Gorgeous. by kill3r4ev3r Dying Rose by DarkCrissus :thumb92451038: Punk-rock princess II by XSugarfreeX :thumb92369364:  :thumb92908560:   Sinful Blue Eyes by Lyzzard:thumb93141342: nobody's wife by zippyrux Shades by sadik18 The perfect spot by TangoCancion Buildings1 by Lestatis where are the sunny days? by DianaLucifera Wound by LuciaConstantin .ClipeDeBucurie by d3rkangel :thumb97265820: :thumb96933307: A walk in the Jellyfish Forest by Lyzzard Scapen Te... by Lentzy ella, ella by TangoCancion Toy Box by TangoCancion above the grass by DianaLucifera :thumb79270916::thumb101017187: Saturnine by QueeNofSpadeSss Drinky by Thorald .SongOfImaginaryBeings by d3rkangel Miss November by ScorpionEntity Look...blue eyes again by Lyzzard :thumb102416359: mir3la - the dark bride 2 by ScorpionEntity Retro Car II by horatziu1977 Lifeline by horatziu1977 Experiment 2 by blood-passion amber by kistoc Novotel HDR by ScorpionEntity

:thumb93774504: Don't cross by horatziu1977 awakening by dreamcrafter :thumb75403862: Singuratate - II - by frabatophotos Nr 3-4 by katszp A new Earth II by frabatophotos The Hero Returns by Alexandru1988 :thumb80171107: spun gold by vxside Hornurile Malaiestilor by DianaLucifera tehnology and cigarette by Loving-Memory Sweet Dreams by XSugarfreeX Knowledge is forever by VastAbyss Red Simphony by cenumesimplu :thumb83681645: ladybug - vintage by vxside Book by LalA-vi-Doll  :thumb83574292: begging you for mercy by kill3r4ev3r I'm Just a Kid by EvelynMoon :thumb83466232:

Mature Content

Lust by silvestru
:thumb83263353: April 2008 by Cotoy Sakura... by t3hdumi :thumb82511872: Snow White by Lyzzard April Fools by ell3cktra :thumb82040732: 4 seasons by vxside :thumb78193265: Living on your breath... by Catrinel-Cotae F I R E by thesundiver rainy day today by Loving-Memory Innocence by VastAbyss Mommy forgot... by sadik18 :thumb87245896: just like heaven by PurpleAlexa city in the sky by maciuka Playing life by VastAbyss :thumb91555065: not alone by sananton :thumb78894329: :thumb88937706: Morph by andyguitar Free falling by LuciaConstantin :thumb93778883: Golden brown by LuciaConstantin :thumb99351338: Runaway train by lupumsinguraticum Black Wings by DarkCrissus My Dying Emu1 by CoolNightAir let me sleep by muttleydosomething unlocked mysteries by vxside crab by dovespirit Palace in the sand by RBB-TheLostCauze A Medieval Legacy HDR by vxside Dome des Invalides by BlackLightInside Stranger in Paradise by narcotistu Another boring Picture by unes

Written: English: Pidgins. OH NO! YOU MONSTER! How could you do that to such defenseless creatures?
Defenseless? Please. They brought it upon themselves, really. I should tell the full story, though. I don't want you to think that I'm a monster or anything like the other people do.
I was dating this guy. He was vegan. You know, the type that avoids not only meat, but any product that comes from animals. Didn't really go with my meat-eating, milk-addicted, chocolate-loving style but hey, it's just food. If you're going to "save the animals" then do it and stop whining about me not doing it. I'm not giving up chocolate for some dead chicken.
Still, I loved the guy, I really did. I tend to attach quickly. I'm also the jealous type. He didn't cheat on me...well, not with people. But really, those goddamned animals. When he wasn't in a march against beef he was in the market protesting against eggs. When we were alone he'd use metaphors for every single damn thing.
you know, your navel looks sorta like t
chocolatesgrowing up is like a box of chocolates,
they say,
cardboard on the outside and something sticky on the inside,
but i don't mind,
i've got polished nails and waterproof mascara
and i still feel i'm playing dress-up
in my own dresses and shoes.
behave, don't pout, get it together,
they say,
you've got a long asphalt road ahead of you,
but i don't mind,
i've got brown eyes and brittle bones
and words still drip down my fingers,
tangled and sweet as melting chocolates.
Lost spiritI am a lost spirit. Hiding myself amongst the leaves & rocks. Walking across the vast oceans of water & immersing myself inside the eternal depths of abyss. Without a clue of what I am looking for, I find it curious that my soul has a reason for pause now. I have forgotten everyone and have no use to "meet" another person. I fail to appreciate the subtleness of the leaves of a tree rustling inside my hand or the compassionante glow of the moonlight becaming across my face at night. I have known of my existence since ancient times, before time itself was pheasibly measured. Yet it is hard to recount the first minute, the first second of my solitary life. I couldn't note since I wasn't in possession of pen or paper. Of course, at that time it really didn't seem to matter, nor does it now. I find it pointless to memorize the physical world's details.
I am not real, I carry no name...

Romanian: AlexVreau sa scriu. Am atatea idei, atatea planuri si atatea scenarii in minte. E un calvar, stii? Sa vrei cu tot dinadinsul sa transmiti lumii ideile tale, gandurile, simtirile, trairile, si sa nu poti. Sa ai trac, exact cand vine momentul sa pui pixul pe hartie, sau degetele pe taste, depinde.
Ma gandesc ca e noapte, si iata, e si luna pe cer. Ar merge o poveste frumoasa de dragoste, sub clar de luna, nu? Un cliseu pe care multe fete il adora. Chiar si unii baieti, de ce nu? Dar nu pot, ceva ma tine, ca intotdeauna.
Sa fie oare o teama? Intr`adevar, uneori mi`e frica. Cu mana pe inima recunosc, n`are de ce sa imi fie rusine. E ca o franghie din aceea pe care nu o poti rupe oricat ai incerca. Stii la ce ma refer, nu? Cred ca simti si tu la fel uneori.
Mie imi place sa ma cred curajoasa. Imi placea candva sa cred ca ma pot lupta cu orice furtuna, cu orice dusman, sau chiar...cu orice extemporal la matematica. Mereu imi repet ca sunt curajoasa si pot face orice. Reflexia din oglinda imi spu
Ploaie de toamna
"Ce ciudat e cand ploua, cum unii oameni se ascund, si altii se plimba ca si cum nu ar cadea stropi mari de apa din cer. Eu cred ca celor care se ascund le e frica sa nu li se intinda machiajul. Si mama se machiaza, si mereu il atentioneaza pe tata sa nu o sarute ca i se ia rujul. Da, asta trebuie sa fie."
Un copil de 7 ani, pe o banca in fata casei, se uita la trecatorii grabiti. Cerul era innorat, si stia ca atunci cand e cerul innorat va ploua. Si stia ca atunci cand ploua se intinde machiajul oamenilor, si de aceea ei se ascund.
"Ce ciudat e, cand ploua...de ce oare se ascund toti sub umbrele, nu e ca si cum nu ar face dus acasa dimineata, oare le e frica de apa? Poate e din cauza hainelor. Se uda. Se aduna pe corp si le arata formele. Deci hainele trebuie sa-ti ascunda corpul..."
Avea 7 ani si nu stia prea multe, dar ce stia era o siguranta, o descoperire valoroasa. La varsta asta afli cele mai multe adevaruri s-ar putea spune.
"Cel mai ciudat cand ploua, e cand v
Ultima ZiIntunericul il cheama pe cel din urma soldat
Din ziua-n care acesta si lumina s-au separat
Soldatul vine incet ,soldatul vine-n graba
Soldatul vine cu durere,soldatul vine cu slava
Aceasta lume nu-i pregatita
Pentru viitorul spre  care-i prigonita
Intunericul si lumina din nou se unesc
Raiul si Iadul din nou se-ntlanesc
Cea din urma zi va sosi
Dar nu,nu-i azi,azi voi trai.
:thumb89158728: Numai mort ajungi in RaiNumai mort ajungi în Rai
20 August 2008 – Ei şi ei
- Cumva, sunt cel mai frumos cuplu pe care l-am văzut vreodată...
- Îmhm...
El avea privire de oţel şi zâmbet cald, contrastant, încadrat de părul lung, castaniu, deranjat vag de briza mării, ea avea privire pierdută şi zâmbet încăpăţânat, evidenţiat de părul scurt culoarea ciocolatei. Priveau spre Ei, iar Ei priveau unul spre altul.
14 Iulie 2005 – Semnul Îngerului şi Şarpele
- Ehe, ai grijă. Zice-se că numai mort ajungi în Rai...
- Sofia, nu vreau s-ajung în Rai. Dacă veniţi încoace, mă multumesc şi să stau întins aici, replică Siro, conturând un înger în nisip şi întizandu-se la loc în conturul lui. Serios acum, staţi în Raiu’ meu odată jos şi vorbiţi de la un nivel
:thumb96993584: clepsidreclepsidrele n-au ace
care să spargă secundele, baloane de săpun,
care să agaţe zilele, perdele albe,
care să taie anii, oglinzi de apă.
boabele de nisip
nu plutesc în golul dintre clipe,
nu prind în nojiţe dimineaţa şi seara,
nu scufundă iarna şi vara.
de cînd mă ştiu,
sparg clepsidre
şi mă gîndesc că o fi un fel de metaforă.
cafeadimineaţă albă şi rece, noiembrie,
încerc să nu dau cafeaua în foc,
să nu pun prea mult zahăr -
e bine, Maşa?
"nu", spui,
şi dimineaţa se sparge cu zgomot,
toată casa miroase a cafea
şi mâinile tale şi obrajii tăi, Maşa,
sunt aspri ca boabele măcinate.
"nu", spui,
şi nu mai ştiu dacă ai ochii verzi,
umplu cănile fără să mă uit
şi insule negre picură pe marginea mesei -
de ce, Maşa?
mai târziu, mult mai târziu,
mult prea târziu,
mi-am dat seama, Maşa:
nu mi-a plăcut niciodată cafeaua.
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ell3cktra's avatar
mi-a luat ceva timp sa ajung sa vad news letterul asta. Nu pot sa cred ca sunt si eu in selectie!

Multumesc mult pentru feature :hug: (desi pare trivial sa spun asta) Inseamna mult pentru mine :)